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Data set of solar radiation at Qomolangma, China (2007-2020)

Global solar radiation at Qomolangma station (The Tibetan Plateau) is measured by radiation sensor (pyranometers CM22, Kipp & Zonen Inc., The Netherlands), and water vapor pressure (hPa) at the ground is measured by HMP45C-GM (Vaisala Inc., Vantaa, Finland). This dataset includes hourly solar radiation and its absorbing and scattering losses caused by the absorbing and scattering atmospheric substances (MJ m-2, 200-3600 nm), and the albedos at the top of the atmosphere and the surface. The above solar radiations are calculated by using an empirical model of global solar radiation (Bai, J.; Zong, X.; Ma, Y.; Wang, B.; Zhao, C.; Yang, Y.; Guang, J.; Cong, Z.; Li, K.; Song, T. 2022. Long-Term Variations in Global Solar Radiation and Its Interaction with Atmospheric Substances at Qomolangma. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 8906. The observed global solar radiation and meteorological variables are available at The data set can be used to study solar radiation and its attenuation at Qomolangma region.


Hourly meteorological forcing & land surface state dataset of Tibet Plateau with 10 km spatial resolution (2000-2010)

The near surface atmospheric forcing and surface state dataset of the Tibetan Plateau was yielded by WRF model, time range: 2000-2010, space range: 25-40 °N, 75-105 °E, time resolution: hourly, space resolution: 10 km, grid number: 150 * 300. There are 33 variables in total, including 11 near surface atmospheric variables: temperature at 2m height on the ground, specific humidity at 2m height on the ground, surface pressure, latitudinal component of 10m wind field on the ground, longitudinal component of 10m wind field on the ground, proportion of solid precipitation, cumulative cumulus convective precipitation, cumulative grid precipitation, downward shortwave radiation flux at the surface, downward length at the surface Wave radiation flux, cumulative potential evaporation. There are 19 surface state variables: soil temperature in each layer, soil moisture in each layer, liquid water content in each layer, heat flux of snow phase change, soil bottom temperature, surface runoff, underground runoff, vegetation proportion, surface heat flux, snow water equivalent, actual snow thickness, snow density, water in the canopy, surface temperature, albedo, background albedo, lower boundary Soil temperature, upward heat flux (sensible heat flux) at the surface and upward water flux (sensible heat flux) at the surface. There are three other variables: longitude, latitude and planetary boundary layer height.


Grid emission data set of air pollutants (SO2, NOx, PM2.5) in Pan-third polar regions (2017)

This dataset covers the 2017 sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, PM2.5 emissions grid list of Pan-third polar regions (South Asia: Nepal, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives; Central Asia: Turkistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan; Josiah: Iran, Iraq, azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, yemen, bahrain, Qatar, Oman, united Arab emirates, Kuwait, Lebanon, Cyprus). The emission inventory is derived from the data set publicly available in IIASA network. By using ArcGIS software technology, the emission inventory is processed into a GRID data set of 50km*50km, whose quality can be guaranteed. The data can be used by modelers to further study climate and air quality in the third polar region.


1km resolution wind energy resource distribution data of Qinghai Tibet Plateau (1979-2008)

The 1km resolution wind energy resource data of Qinghai Tibet Plateau is developed by using the wind energy resource numerical simulation assessment system of China Meteorological Administration (weras / CMA), which includes typical terrain classification module, mesoscale model WRF and Calmet dynamic diagnosis model. Firstly, the typical days are randomly selected from the historical weather types for hourly wind speed simulation, and then the climate average distribution of wind energy resources is obtained according to the statistical analysis of the frequency of weather types. The data set includes wind speed and wind power density over the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. The data accuracy of wind speed is 0.01m/s, the data accuracy of wind power density is 0.01w/m2, and the vertical height of data is 100m. The data have been checked and corrected by the observation data of meteorological stations, and are mainly used for detailed investigation of wind energy resources and macro site selection of wind farms. This data is the output data of the national wind energy resources detailed survey and evaluation project from 2008 to 2012 (the project cost is 290 million yuan), and then becomes the basic data of wind energy resources related research. The Ministry of finance has no plan to invest in extending this data set in the near future.


Satellite remote sensing precipitation reanalysis dataset over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (1998-2018)

This data is precipitation data, which is the monthly precipitation product of tropical rainfall measurement mission TRMM 3b43. It integrates the main area of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau (25 ~ 40 ° n; 25 ~ 40 ° n); The precipitation data of 332 meteorological stations are from the National Meteorological Information Center of China Meteorological Administration. The reanalysis data set is obtained by the station 3 ° interpolation optimization variational correction method. For the monthly sample data from January 1998 to December 2018, the spatial coverage is 25 ~ 40 ° n; 73 ~ 105 ° e, the spatial resolution is 1 ° * 1 °.


Grid emission data set of air pollutants (SO2, NOx, PM2.5) in third pole regions of China (2019)

This data set includes grid emission inventories of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and PM2.5 in 2019 in China's third polar region (Tibet, Xinjiang, Yunnan and Qinghai). The emission inventory comes from the emission inventory database of the research group of Professor Wang Shuxiao of Tsinghua University. The emission inventory is processed into a 1km * 1km grid dataset by using ArcGIS software technology. The basic data of emission calculation is calculated by the emission factor method based on public data collection, satellite observation data and literature collection. The data are from the data of the National Bureau of statistics and the statistical yearbook of other industries, and its quality can be guaranteed. The data can be used for further study of climate and air quality in the third polar region.


Surface meteorological driving dataset of the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau (2019-2020)

1) The Qinghai Tibet plateau surface meteorological driving data set (2019-2020) includes four meteorological elements: land surface temperature, mean total precipitation rate, mean surface downward long wave radiation flux and mean surface downward short wave radiation flux. 2) The data set is based on era5 reanalysis data, supplemented by MODIS NDVI, MODIS DEM and fy3d mwri DEM data products. The era5 reanalysis data were downscaled by multiple linear regression method, and finally generated by resampling. 3) All data elements of the Qinghai Tibet plateau surface meteorological driving data set (2019-2020) are stored in TIFF format. The time resolution includes (daily, monthly and annual), and the spatial resolution is unified as 0.1 ° × 0.1°。 4) This data is convenient for researchers and students who will not use such assimilated data in. NC format. Based on the long-term observation data of field stations of the alpine network and overseas stations in the pan third pole region, a series of data sets of meteorological, hydrological and ecological elements in the pan third pole region are established; Complete the inversion of meteorological elements, lake water quantity and quality, aboveground vegetation biomass, glacier and frozen soil change and other data products through intensive observation in key areas and verification of sample plots and sample points; Based on the Internet of things technology, a multi station networked meteorological, hydrological and ecological data management platform is developed to realize real-time acquisition, remote control and sharing of networked data.


FY-4A terrestrial solar radiation product data set of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau (2018-2020)

Surface solar irradiance (SSI) is one of the products of FY-4A L2 quantitative inversion. It covers a full disk without projection, with a spatial resolution of 4km and a temporal resolution of 15min (there are 40 observation times in the whole day since 20180921, except for the observation of each hour, there is one observation every 3hr before and after the hour), and the spectral range is 0.2µ m~5.0 µ m. The output elements of the product include total irradiance, direct irradiance on horizontal plane and scattered irradiance, the effective measurement ranges between 0-1500 w / m2. The qualitative improvement of FY-4A SSI products in coverage, spatial resolution, time continuity, output elements and other aspects makes it possible to further carry out its fine application in solar energy, agriculture, ecology, transportation and other professional meteorological services. The current research results show that the overall correlation of FY-4A SSI product in China is more than 0.75 compared with ground-based observation, which can be used for solar energy resource assessment in China.


AWS data from typical glacier (2019-2020)

Qiangyong glacier: 90.23 °E, 28.88° N, 4898 m asl. The surface is bedrock. The record contains data of 1.5 m temperature, 1.5 m humidity, 2 m wind speed, 2 m wind orientation, surface temperature, etc. Data from the automated weather station was collected using USB equipment at 19:10 on August 6, 2019, with a recording interval of 10 minutes, and data was downloaded on December 20, 2020. There is no missing data but a problem with the wind speed data after 9:30 on July 14, 2020 (most likely due to damage to the wind vane). Jiagang glacier: 88.69°E, 30.82°N, 5362 m asl. The surface is rubble and weeds. The records include 1.5 meters of temperature, 1.5 meters of humidity, 2 meters of wind speed, 2 meters of wind direction, surface temperature, etc. The initial recording time is 15:00 on August 9, 2019, and the recording interval is 1 minute. The power supply is mainly maintained by batteries and solar panels. The automatic weather station has no internal storage. The data is uploaded to the Hobo website via GPRS every hour and downloaded regularly. At 23:34 on January 5, 2020, the 1.5 meter temperature and humidity sensor was abnormal, and the temperature and humidity data were lost. The data acquisition instrument will be retrieved on December 19, 2020 and downloaded to 19:43 on June 23, 2020 and 3:36 on September 25, 2020. Then the temperature and humidity sensors were replaced, and the observations resumed at 12:27 on December 21. The current data consists of three segments (2019.8.9-2020.6.30; 2020.6.23-2020.9.25; 2020.12.19-2020.12.29), Some data are missing after inspection. Some data are duplicated in time due to recording battery voltage, which needs to be checked. The meteorological observation data at the front end of Jiagang mountain glacier are collected by the automatic weather station Hobo rx3004-00-01 of onset company. The model of temperature and humidity probe is s-thb-m002, the model of wind speed and direction sensor is s-wset-b, and the model of ground temperature sensor is s-tmb-m006. The meteorological observation data at the front end of Jianyong glacier are collected by the US onset Hobo u21-usb automatic weather station. The temperature and humidity probe model is s-thb-m002, the wind speed and direction sensor model is s-wset-b, and the ground temperature sensor model is s-tmb-m006.


Kyrgyzstan glacier meteorological station (2018-2020)

Kara batkak glacier meteorological station in West Tianshan, Kyrgyzstan (42 ° 9'46 ″ n, 78 ° 16'21 ″ e, 3280m). The observation data include hourly meteorological elements (hourly rainfall (mm), instantaneous wind direction (°), instantaneous wind speed (M / s), 2-minute wind direction (°), 2-minute wind speed (M / s), 10 minute wind direction (°), 10 minute wind speed (M / s), wind direction at maximum wind speed (°), maximum wind speed (M / s), maximum wind speed time, wind direction at maximum wind speed (°), and maximum wind speed (M / s) , maximum wind speed time, maximum instantaneous wind speed and wind direction in minutes (°), maximum instantaneous wind speed in minutes (M / s), air pressure (HPA), maximum air pressure (HPA), maximum air pressure occurrence time, minimum air pressure (HPA), minimum air pressure occurrence time). Meteorological observation elements, after accumulation and statistics, are processed into climate data to provide important data for planning, design and research of agriculture, forestry, industry, transportation, military, hydrology, medical and health, environmental protection and other departments.
