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Vegetation quadrat survey data in the middle of Heihe River Basin (2013-2014)

The survey data of vegetation quadrat in the middle reaches of Heihe River consists of the field survey data in 2013 and 2014, including the vegetation and soil data of the survey quadrat. The data of each survey sample includes the following information: sample longitude and latitude, sample size, elevation, sample overview, plant name, plant height, crown width, coverage, total coverage, number of trees, plant spacing, row spacing, large row spacing, DBH. The soil is divided into 6 layers according to 0-100cm below the ground, which are 0-10cm, 10-20cm, 20-40cm, 40-60cm, 60-80cm and 80-100cm respectively.


Spatial distribution of forest biomass 1m resolution in Tianlaochi watershed (1961-2010)

The sample plot survey data are as follows: in August 2013, 30 forest sample plots were set up in tianlaochi basin, with the sample plot specification of 10 m×20 m, and the long side of the sample plot was parallel to the slope direction, including 26 Qinghai spruce forests, 2 Qilian yuanberlin forests and 2 spruce-cypress mixed forests. within the sample plot, the diameter at breast height (diameter at trunk height of 1.3 m) of each tree was measured by using a ruler. Using hand-held ultrasonic altimeter to measure the tree height and the height under branches (the height of the first living branch at the lower end of the crown) of each tree, measuring the crown width in the north-south direction and the east-west direction by using a tape scale, and positioning the sample plot by using differential GPS. Taking the carbon storage data of the sample plot as the optimal control condition, using Kriging interpolation to obtain the biomass spatial distribution map driving field, using HASM algorithm to simulate the forest biomass spatial distribution map of the waterlogging pool, the simulation results conform to the vegetation distribution law of the study area, and obtain better effects. Resolution 1m


Genomic studies of drought tolerance mechanisms of a typical plant in Heihe basin - dataset II (2014-2015)

一. Data overview This data interchange is the second data interchange of "genomics research on drought tolerance mechanism of typical desert plants in heihe basin", a key project of the major research program of "integrated research on eco-hydrological processes in heihe basin".The main research goal of this project is a typical desert sand Holly plants as materials, using the current international advanced a new generation of gene sequencing technology to the whole genome sequence and gene transcription of Holly group sequence decoding, so as to explore related to drought resistance gene and gene groups, and transgenic technology in model plants such as arabidopsis and rice) verify its drought resistance. 二, data content 1.Sequencing of the genome and transcriptome of lycophylla SPP. The genome size of Mongolian Holly was about 926 Mb, GC content 36.88%, repeat sequence proportion 66%, genome heterozygosity rate 0.56%, which indicated that the genome has many repeat sequences, high heterozygosity and belongs to a complex genome.Based on the predicted sequence results, we subsequently carried out in-depth sequencing of the genome of lysiopsis SPP. The obtained data were assembled to obtain a 937 Mb genome sequence (table 1), which was basically the same as the predicted genome size.Through to the sand Holly transcriptome sequencing and sequence assembly (table 2), received more than 77000 genes coding sequence (Unigene), these sequences are comments found that most of the gene sequence and legumes and soybean, garbanzo beans and bean has a higher similarity (figure 1), consistent with the fact of sand ilex leguminous plants. 一), and the sand Holly is a leguminous plants consistent with the fact. 2.Discovery of simple repeat sequence (SSR) molecular markers of sand Holly: There is a transcriptome data set of sand Holly in the network public database, and the sample collection site is zhongwei city, ningxia.But this is the location of the project team samples in minqin county, gansu province, in order to study whether this sand in different areas of the Holly sequence has sequence polymorphism, we first identify the minqin county plant samples in the genomes of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers (table 3), and then, compares the transcriptome sequences of plant sample, found in part of SSR molecular marker polymorphism (table 4), these molecular markers could be used for the species of plant genetic map construction, QTL mapping and genetic diversity analysis in the study. 三, data processing instructions Sample collection place: minqin county, gansu province, latitude and longitude: N38 ° 34 '25.93 "E103 ° 08' 36.77".Genome sequencing: a total of 8 genomic DNA libraries of different sizes were constructed and determined by Illumina HiSeq 2500 instrument.Transcriptome sequencing: a library of 24 transcriptome mrnas was constructed and determined by Illumina HiSeq 4000. 四, the use of data and meaning We selected a typical desert plant as the research object, from the Angle of genomics, parse the desert plant genome and transcriptome sequences, excavated its precious drought-resistant gene resources, and to study their drought resistance mechanism of favorable sand Holly this ancient and important to the utilization of plant resources, as well as the heihe river basin of drought-resistant plant genetic breeding, ecological restoration and sustainable development.


Spatial distribution data of forest biomass in tianlouchi watershed of Heihe river (August 2013)

The sample plot survey data are as follows: in August 2013, 30 forest sample plots were set up in tianlaochi basin, with the sample plot specification of 10 m×20 m, and the long side of the sample plot was parallel to the slope direction, including 26 Qinghai spruce forests, 2 Qilian yuanberlin forests and 2 spruce-cypress mixed forests. within the sample plot, the diameter at breast height (diameter at trunk height of 1.3 m) of each tree was measured by using a ruler. Using hand-held ultrasonic altimeter to measure the tree height and the height under branches (the height of the first living branch at the lower end of the crown) of each tree, measuring the crown width in the north-south direction and the east-west direction by using a tape scale, and positioning the sample plot by using differential GPS. Taking the carbon storage data of the sample plot as the optimal control condition, using Kriging interpolation to obtain the biomass spatial distribution map driving field, using HASM algorithm to simulate the forest biomass spatial distribution map of the waterlogging pool, the simulation results conform to the vegetation distribution law of the study area, and obtain better effects.


Data of industrial structure change and water use evolution trend of social and economic development in Heihe River Basin

Data of industrial structure change and water use evolution trend of social and economic development in Heihe River Basin


Potassium transporter in ammopiptanthus mongolicus (2015-2016)

A typical Shaker type potassium ion absorption channel gene AmKAT1 was cloned from the leaves of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus. Electrophysiological studies of AmKAT1 show that AmKAT1 is a K+ absorption channel regulated by potassium ion concentration. the system can only input K+ into guard cells when the extracellular potassium ion concentration is high (above 10 mmol/L). This distinctive feature has important physiological significance for xerophytes such as Ammopiptanthus mongolicus: under the condition of low concentration of extracellular potassium ions (no matter how high the concentration of sodium ions), AmKAT1 is difficult to open, potassium ions cannot enter guard cells, the guard cells will not absorb water and expand, and stomata will be difficult to open, thus reducing the transpiration and loss of water in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and enhancing the viability of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus in arid environment. We have further studied the mechanism of extracellular potassium ion regulating the activity of AmKAT1 and found that at least two sites in AmKAT1 are involved in potassium ion induction, and now one site has been determined to be located in the channel pore region. In addition, we cloned a guard cell export-oriented K+ channel AmGORK and a slow anion channel AmSLAC1. Fluorescence quantitative PCR results showed that AmGORK was mainly expressed in the upper part of the ground, and its transcription level was affected by PEG simulated water stress, ABA, NaCl and osmotic stress treatments to varying degrees. Electrophysiological studies in xenogeneic system of Xenopus laevis oocytes show that AmGORK channel of Mongolian Ammopiptanthus mongolicus guard cells can mediate efficient efflux of K+ when membrane potential is depolarized. The activation of this channel has typical voltage dependence and potassium ion concentration dependence, and is inhibited by potassium ion channel inhibitors TEA and Ba2+; In addition, the activity of AmGORK is regulated by extracellular pH, but not by extracellular calcium concentration. These results show that although Ammopiptanthus mongolicus is an ancient drought-resistant leguminous shrub originated millions of years ago, it is highly similar to the existing common model plant Arabidopsis thaliana in the stomatal closure mechanism dominated by K+. These results provide evidence to preliminarily reveal the functional conservatism of GORK-like stomatal regulatory channels in different species and long-term evolution.


Simulation results of eco hydrological model in the middle and lower reaches of Heihe river v1.0 (2001-2012)

This project use distributed HEIFLOW Ecological hydrology model (Hydrological - Ecological Integrated watershed - scale FLOW model) of heihe river middle and lower reaches of the eco Hydrological process simulation.The model USES the dynamic land use function, and adopts the land use data of the three phases of 2000, 2007 and 2011 provided by hu xiaoli et al. The space-time range and accuracy of simulation are as follows: Simulation period: 2000-2012, of which 2000 is the model warm-up period Analog step size: day by day Simulation space range: the middle and lower reaches of heihe river, model area 90589 square kilometers Spatial accuracy of the simulation: 1km×1km grid was used on both the surface and underground, and there were 90589 hydrological response units on the surface.Underground is divided into 5 layers, each layer 90589 mobile grid The data set of HEIFLOW model simulation results includes the following variables: (1) precipitation (unit: mm/month) (2) observed values of main outbound runoff in the upper reaches of heihe river (unit: m3 / s) (3) evapotranspiration (unit: mm/month) (4) soil infiltration amount (unit: mm/month) (5) surface yield flow (unit: mm/month) (6) shallow groundwater head (unit: m) (7) groundwater evaporation (unit: m3 / month) (8) supply of shallow groundwater (unit: m3 / month) (9) groundwater exposure (unit: m3 / month) (10) river-groundwater exchange (unit: m3 / month) (11) simulated river flow value of four hydrological stations of heihe main stream (gaoya, zhengyi gorge, senmaying, langxin mountain) (unit: cubic meter/second) The first two variables above are model-driven data, and the rest are model simulation quantities.The time range of all variables is 2001-2012, and the time scale is month.The spatial distributed data precision is 1km×1km, and the data format is tif. In the above variables, if the negative value is encountered, it represents the groundwater excretion (such as groundwater evaporation, groundwater exposure, groundwater recharge channel, etc.).If groundwater depth is required, the groundwater head data can be subtracted from the surface elevation data of the model. In some areas, the groundwater head may be higher than the surface, indicating the presence of groundwater exposure. In addition, the dataset provides: Middle and downstream model modeling scope (format:.shp) Surface elevation of the middle and downstream model (in the format of. Tif) All the above data are in the frame of WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_47N. Take heiflow_v1_et_2001m01.tif as an example to illustrate the naming rules of data files: HEIFLOW: model name V1: data set version 1.0 ET: variable name 2001M01: January 2000, where M represents month


Sample ponit distribution in the upstream of the Heihe River Basin

This data is the longitude and latitude information of soil water sampling points in the "observation experiment of Soil Hydrological heterogeneity in the upper reaches of Heihe River and its impact on the hydrological process in mountainous areas" (91125010) of Heihe project, which is mainly used to express the spatial distribution of soil water sampling points in this project.


Groundwater simulation data in the middle reaches of Heihe (2003-2012)

Data source: simulation results of the Heihe groundwater model from Tsinghua University; Summary of content: 2003-2012 simulation water level of the observation well : the letters indicate the area where the observation well is located (L-Linze, Z-Zhangye, G-Gaotai, J-Jinta, E-Ejina), and the number indicates the number of the observation well. Time range: 2003-2012 month data


Groundwater level dataset in the middle and lower of Heihe River Basin (2013-2015)

Through e-Sense / diver hydrological monitoring equipment and dynamic remote monitoring system, the hydrological monitoring data of key stations in Heihe River Basin in the three years from 2013 to 2015 in non freezing period are obtained, mainly including the temperature and water level of three groundwater (Qilian station, Linze station, Ejina station) and six river surface water (Yingluoxia station, Gaoya station, Zhengyixia station, shaomaying station, langxinshan station, Juyanhai station) According to the data, the time resolution is 1H.
