Soil and Water Assessment Tool-Hydrological Data Assimililation System
  • Category: Data Assimilation
  • Development language: Matlab语言
  • Operating platform / Operating system: CentOS
  • Compilation tools and environment: Fortran
  • Version: version 1.0
  • GitHub download path:
  • Citation:

    Zhu G.F.*, Li X., Su Y.H., Zhang K., Bai Y., Ma J.Z., Li C.B., Hu X. L., He J.H. Simultaneous parameterization of the two-source evapotranspiration model by Bayesian approach: application to spring maize in an arid region of northwest China. Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 741-775, 2014

  • Method description:
  • SWAT-HDAS is based on grid-based SWAT hydrological model, integrated Parallel Data Assimilation Framework(PDAF), applied for hydrological data assimilation studies.

    Its data assimilation algorithms include Kalman filters. SWAT-HDAS can assimilate remote sensed or ground based soil moisture, river discharge, snow water equivalent, etc.

    SWAT-HDAS was tested by GNU gfortran compiler. It will include Particle filter and Genetic Algorithm. Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) climate model will also be integrated to achieve land-atomosphere coupling.

    Installation: no installation required;

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    • 安装方式:不需要安装



